My Creative Journey
Where to begin... why not the middle! A lot of stories only get good by that point anyway.
In terms of my first soiree into the world of the creative we start with the song 'Summer Sun'. When I was 13 years old (like many of that age) I decided that being a rich and famous singer wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. So it took it upon myself to produce my own number 1 track. After a couple of weeks work and the help of my music teachers the track was complete and I managed to independently release it to the world across iTunes and Spotify, where the track remains to this day. The track proceeded to be played at every party I went to for the next 3 years which definitely didn't get old...

My music career didn't end here though, in my efforts to pursue further fame I released a few other tracks over the coming years on the music platform Soundcloud. Although none of the song's have gone to number 1 (yet), like many artist perhaps I was just ahead of my time..

After this I decided to take a break from my music career and instead turn my attention towards the stage. After all music isn't the only way to get rich and famous. Over my remaining years in secondary school I took part in a multitude of star-studded productions. Ranging from East End Tales, Greek Mythology to even the infamous 1984. I may not have been the leading man in all these productions but whatever lines I did have I always made them count. As after all in showbiz you never know when you're going to get your big break!

Being onstage was not my only role in the world of the theatre. Towards the end of my school career I had the pleasure of helping design soundscapes for some of the A-Level Drama students. Let's just say I had great fun watching them attempt to turn their bodies into tables, chairs and trains in the name of 'physical theatre'.

Moving closer to the present day, after I left school I decided that the theatre wasn't my true calling (if I hadn't had my big break yet then maybe showbiz just wasn't ready for me). I decided to to take myself down to the wonderful Falmouth University in search of my true calling. There I studied Creative Advertising, a course in which I got to spend my days thinking of fun and sometimes ridiculous ideas in order to solve real world problems. The course felt like the perfect fit for me, the perfect culmination of all my creative skills. At last I had found my calling.

I spent three amazing years down in Falmouth. I made some life long friends, picked up surfing and skateboarding, got frosted tips and even had my finger nail painted a funny colour. Lest to say I definitely had the full 'university experience'.

Now here I stand at the end of my time at university, with a first class degree in one hand and my portfolio in the other wondering where my skills can be best used. If I sound like the kind of guy you may interested in click the button and check out my work. I hope to hear from you soon.