For this brief the British heart foundation wanted to promote the learning of the life saving skill of CPR. With a new app they have developed you can learn this skill in only 15 minutes. The true challenge here was to convince people to take the time out of their day to download the app and learn.
The Thinking Behind The Idea

The Idea
By teaming up with food delivery services we can convince people to use the time they have whilst they wait for food to arrive to learn CPR. Since 79% of heart attacks happen in the home it's the perfect place for them to learn.

Video Advert
To kick off the campaign we created a short and snappy video advert that plays on the frustration people feel when waiting for food to arrive. Ending on a note that encourages them to use the time they have to learn the life saving skill of CPR.
Social Media Advert
Here we have an example of a targeted social media advert. The ad utilises the familiar iconography of a delivery tracking map to convey our message and remind our audience how much time they have before their food arrives.
Website Add Ons
In addition to this campaign we decided to place ads within the delivery services sites themselves to serve as timely nudges to remind the audiences what they can do with their wait time.

In App Ads Ons
As well as website adds on we also added to the existing in app UI, in particular having timely nudges popping up when viewing delivery tracking maps.

This project was done in collaboration with Tudor Crockford (Junior Creative at MSL)